With this exhibition we wanted to cast a new creative eye over winter – to push the artists into taking a fresh look at this season and show us a different winter to the one we think we know. Reassess the light and the colors, reconsider the emotions it provokes in us, and interrogate what winter means. The artists we have chosen are those that took a bold and deliberate step to challenge our notion of winter, met head-on the norms and tropes of the season and dug down to find fresh nuance and renewed elegance.
It is exciting that the exhibition has turned out very different than we expected. The selected artists found the nuance and the optimism we were hoping for but delivered those hopes in ways we really didn’t expect. One of the great joys of art is how it surprises us, and this exhibition has arrived full of surprises. Its narrative is filled with unexpected emotions, dark and light; it’s images packed with humor and invention, and it’s delivered to us in an array of amazing styles that arc between passionately abstract and doggedly figurative. Whatever the artwork, and whoever the artist, the collective that is WINTER MAGIC has found the magic in winter.